Mitchell GATRELL
Foil Coach
Mitchell Gatrell is a competitive foil fencer. He started fencing in 2016 with Jon Zelkowsky. Since, 202_, he has been coached by Gary Hayenga. Mitchell is currently a valued member of the Wayne State University (Detroit, Michigan) varsity fencing team. During the past season, he finished with an eighth-place overall at the NCAA Regionals.
A top academic achiever, in high school he also lettered in band and graduated Summa Cum Laude, as well as being an AP Scholar. He is also on the Dean’s list/honors college at WSU.
While fencing for PA2FA, Mitchell has developed a strong interest in coaching and has demonstrated a natural talent in teaching fencing by passing his USFCA Foil Moniteur exam with a perfect score of 100 (75 points are needed to pass).
Moniteur Foil, USFCA (3rd Level)
R2 Foil Director (Referee)
SafeSport Certified

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